Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Starting this up again...

...if only just for myself. I began this blog in the Fall of 2010 and have since forgotten its existence. It's the first day of a new year, and I'm ready to make this a routine.

Hi, I'm Kat. I am a musician studying Composition and Arranging. I like to sing. I like to compose. I like to write. I like to expand my musical knowledge, and learn from people that are far more talented than I.

I'd like to use this space as a public journal of sorts. I'm not even sure I'll tell anyone I'm doing it. This could be an interesting way to generate ideas for my music, or lyrics, or stories...

I invite anyone who does see this to chime in on my upcoming posts and the things I choose to share. I'm curious to see where this goes.

Thanks for visiting.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas is in 26 Days.

Yes. The title says it all. There is less than one month until the most wonderful day of the year: CHRISTMAS. Anyone who knows me knows that I've been counting down since the beginning of October. Call it excessive, but there's no reason NOT to be excited about the time of year that makes me the happiest!

Everything about Christmas season excites me. The shopping, the snow, the decorations, the music, the Christmas spirit, the vacation, the Jesus... But the one thing that really gets me is the lights. For some reason, seeing Christmas lights makes my heart beat faster and I go into a state of euphoria. Is that weird?

Christmas is also the time of year to spend with family. Unfortunately this year, my family has one less shining face, but I'm sure he'll be having a grand ol' time in heaven. I mean, he gets to celebrate Jesus' birthday with Jesus himself! That being said, it's sad to think he won't be here this Christmas. I miss Grandpa a lot...

I can't wait to get a tree. A REAL tree, nothing artificial. And decorate it. Ornaments always make me nostalgic. I love looking backwards.

Anyways, Merry Christmas. Almost.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Why Blog?

I spend too much time on the computer. That's for sure. So I figured I might as well do something a bit more interesting than facebook stalk. So here it is. A blog. Bloggity blog bloggershmitz. The blog of all blogs. "Hey Kat, what did you do today?" "Oh me? I blogged, bitches. Jealous?"

So I'm not really sure what to put in a blog. Is it just a collection of random articles? Is it supposed to include issues of substance? Do I have to update this thing once a day? Will this become a new addiction? Am I failing at blogging? ......BLOG!!!

Basically I need ideas for writing my college essay. I feel like if I start writing in a more relaxed way, I'll seem more interesting. My English class had a conversation today about how we were taught to put an endless amount of barriers on our writing. I've completely forgotten how to write an essay without these shitty obstacles in the way. I'm blogging to re-teach myself how to write freely. With expression. From the heart! Yada yada yada...

We'll see how this goes. I have the tendency to start things and never finish them. So, this blog could either crash and burn, or end up really helping me.

THESIS: The school system has corrupted our minds into believing that there is a specific way of writing, while, in reality, there is not. In conclusion, screw you for messing with my brain.